Thursday, 18 November 2010

Float on

Tuesday 18 May

I was sneezing a lot this morning. How you can get a cold when it’s 35 degrees most of the time is a mystery to me. Thankfully it cleared up by the afternoon. Love me and leave me, why don’t you, random cold virus. I thought we had something.

I watched more grand prix in the morning. This must be very interesting for you to read. I think it’s only my mum that reads this. If you’re reading this and you’re not my mum, please let me know. Particularly if you’ve read every post. That’s top quality commitment. Or, as other people call it, stalking.

In the afternoon I seemed to have lost everyone so I spent it productively lying on a lilo in the practically deserted swimming pool in the hostel. I dozed in and out of sleep as I tried to deal with my constant tiredness. It was probably the closest I could get to being in a womb. That’s an unusual thought.

Later on I met up with the guys and we ended up watching The Shawshank Redemption at the hostel, which was projected on to the wall by the swimming pool. Its soporific nature helped me to sleep through about a third of it. It had been a very taxing day after all. Though most of the other guys fell asleep at some point as well. After it finished I was pretty sure I was going to go straight to bed.

But no! On came the music, out came the drinks and we all had a mini party in the hostel. It was pretty hardcore and lasted until the early hours. We all had a lot of fun. Sometimes the unexpected parties are the best.

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