Monday 26 April 2010

There’s a Starman...

Wednesday 17 March

I have to warn you that not much happens in Montañita until the weekend. Ish. There’s lots of surfing here but I have no desire for it. It looks quite cool and I’ve done it in the past and it’s good fun, but I’m all about the relaxing. I’m trying to get a tan but there’s a lot of thin, high level cloud that, when combined with factor 15 sun tan cream, really gets you nowhere. Why does no one stock factor 8 anymore? I must have missed some news or something that says “Factor 8 More Likely to Cause Cancer than the Daily Mail.” Nothing causes more cancer than the Daily Mail – and that's a scientific fact. I mean, there's no proof or anything, but I think you'll all agree that we're all fed up with the scientists and their politically correct 'elf and safety nonsense, trying to erode our hard-won British sovreignty and cowtow us to the whim of expenses-abusing Brussels Eurocrats who are probably lesbians anyway. I mean, scientists brought us Facebook, and that is just a haven for peados and people who like eating babies. So yeah. In conclusion then, the Daily Fail definitely causes cancer.

So I do a bit of sunbathing. I randomly meet one of the Americans from Canoa on the beach so stop to have a chat with him. He then meets another American language school person by random as well, so we all hang out.

In the evening I go out with the Scottish couple for dinner and have a good chat with them. I end up explaining lots of astronomical phenomena, like why the sun is in the north in the Southern Hemisphere, why the moon’s crescent points down at the equator and other such interesting topics*.

I met up with the Americans briefly afterwards but they went home and I ended up talking to some other Americans. We played the state capitals game and they got me on Maine (Augusta) and also the adjective quiz - there’s two, and Little Rock is the other one.

*depending on your point of view

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