Monday 22 November 2010

9 out of 10 Dogs Said That They Preferred…

Mon 24 May

So time passes and things come and go, and just like Star Trek: The Next Generation, all good things must come to an end. Today was the last full day of travelling proper, and it was the last evening the whole gang would have together. Etienne a.k.a. Le Lambadour, Craig, Joe (who to me always looked like a “Craig”), Millie and Lucy the Kiwi girls, and my good self all had one final dinner.

We were recommended a place in one of the back streets called Pachamama (Mother Earth). We hadn’t been there before so we went to check it out. The place was kitted out very nicely, though when we arrived the most notable thing was that there was a dog-gang-rape going on outside. It seemed that one of the many free-roaming dogs that exist throughout South America was on heat tonight and unluckily for her, every male dog in the local vicinity thought it would have a go. Well at least someone was having a good time.

Anyway despite the typically atrocious service and oppressive heat due to lack of fans in this open air restaurant we had a good meal and much drink, and talked about the fun that we had, or something like that. It’s two and half months later when I’m writing this and I can’t remember what we talked about. It was good fun though. It would be sad to leave this group. As I write it was only last Saturday that I was out at a bar for another leaving do, and I thought about Colombia briefly, and this group and the fun we had, and then I remembered I was in Hammersmith and with another group of people that I loved, and I thought how lucky I was.

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