Monday 22 November 2010

Cocktail Time, a Summer's Tune, a Whole Night's Holiday

Fri 21 May

Didn’t do much in the morning. I went down to the beach in the afternoon for a sunbathe. It was pretty hot at first though it became cooler later on. While we were there some random Aussies came along and invited us to a party they were having at a house they were renting further along the bay. Seemed like a good way to spend the evening. Of course being Aussies they were inviting everyone they could find. And being Aussies they had board shorts with the Australian flag on it. This is essential, standard wear for being Australian.

Dinner was once again cooked by our resident chef Lambadour. I say once again as he cooked for us once before, though I think I forgot to note it. Either way he’s no slouch in the kitchen and he did a great job.

Then we headed off to the house party. The place was jumping with pretty much the entire tourist population of Taganga. Everyone was having fun. Flip flops were lost. There was a swimming pool on the roof. Tunes were played. Apparently the police were searching people as the left, looking for drugs. They obviously didn’t realise that by the time people were going home, they wouldn’t have any drugs on them. I got to bed at about 4.30.

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