Friday 24 October 2008

This Majestical Roof, Fretted with Golden Fire

Thursday 23 October 2008
Ko Pha Ngan

So again it was the day after the night before. I woke up and I was still drunk. I stumbled to the restaurant and had breakfast.

They day was pretty uneventful to be honest. I didn't feel like doing much and the day lent itself well to that temprament. I lay on the beach reading books for the first time in the trip. I finished Fooled by Randomness, which seemed apt given the Black Swans that were coming home to roost in the financial markets (and will continue to flock home for some time to come methinks).

I started and read a fair chunk of Unless I'm Very Much Mistaken, Murray Walker's autobiography, which at the start was interesting for me as it describes his career in advertising and what that world was like in the preiod from the post-war to the 1970s. He had a pretty impressive career and it shed new light on the character that we know and love as an over-enthusiastic error-prone commentator.

I vainly tried to get a tan but the tropical clouds had different ideas. It had its own benefit though when the sun came to set - the sky was sliently exploding with exotic colour that even Hamlet would have trouble seeing as a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours, no matter how messed up he was at the time. I digress, darling. Luckily I had my camera with me this time so I snapped away as though I had an 8 GB memory card to fill. Which, of course, I did.

That evening we went to the pool bar across the road which luckily served food as the resort was closed again and I didn't fancy a trip into Thong Sala just to eat. We had a pretty early night (the Scots had to wake up early to catch a boat) and I said goodbye to the Amanda and Johnny as I wouldn't see them in the morning.

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