Friday 19 February 2010

Her Name is Rio and She Dances on the Sand

Sunday 14 February
Salvador – Rio de Janeiro

Alain and Ryan get up early to catch their flight, and I take it easy, eating loads for breakfast and taking my time packing and getting ready. I take my flight to Rio and fall asleep. Coming in to land I catch glimpses of the landscape, the crazy mountains and the run down favelas, seemingly built over whatever landscape happens to be there.

I arrive at the apartment and have a bit of trouble explaining to reception who I am and why they should let me in, but eventually we get there. It probably doesn’t help that I don’t speak any Portuguese, and they don’t speak English. It becomes a common theme that a lot gets lost in translation in Brazil. Just one of the perks of travelling.

To cut a long story short everyone is still wasted and the most we do is go out for food. We get to bed early and end up sleeping for about 11 hours. Carnaval? What caranval?

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