Saturday 15 May 2010

All the Boys Think She’s a Spy

Wednesday 31 March

I lost my sunglasses again. I tried looking for them this morning and I couldn’t find them anywhere. I wrote them off and got on with the day.

We had a day trip to Ilha de Campeche towards the south of the island today. I’m not sure what it was meant to entail but we essentially just hung out on the beach for a while. There was talk of snorkelling and trekking but none of that materialised. It was a nice enough beach to spend time on. There were a lot of coatis about as well, these ones more orangey than the ones in Iguazu.

Back at the hostel that evening I had my first experience of beer pong, an ancient and noble competition steeped in tradition going back literally years. I played a game and although we lost, it wasn’t by much. It was amusing to see that Alain spectacularly failed to convert a single throw.

We headed out to the bar where the band was playing (and I played) before. There was another band tonight and they played a song which from that moment on became the theme song of the trip (along with Revalation-tion, Te amo te amo te amo and Brap-pa-pa-pa-pa Paa-pa Pa-paa-paa-pa-pa) which was the Kim Carnes eighties classic Bette Davis Eyes. We couldn’t get it out of our heads for days.

I started dancing at the front of the stage with a group of random people which was fun until a 50 year old, five foot tall, grossly overweight Brazilian woman started to accost me with her breasts. That scared me a bit. Still, managed to have fun.

When I got back to the hostel I found my sunglasses hiding within some particularly concealing clothes. Good times.

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