Monday 24 May 2010

He is Risen

Sunday 4 April, Easter
Buenos Aires

Today was a very special day. With the help of a rapido wifi connection, I was able to download the first episode of the new Doctor Who series. And so today, I saw with my own eyes that he was once more alive. He had escaped the tomb (a.k.a. the TARDIS) and walked among us on Earth to perform his miracles. And did those feet, in ancient time, walk upon England’s mountains green? Well, not exactly, the action took place in the fictional village of Leadworth which didn’t seem to have any hills, but it was in England. Of course it’s all a fictional story that’s only there to help children understand and learn what morals are and how to behave in certain situations. It’s not like it’s a religion or anything. Though I will return each week to the traditional place (television, or in this case my laptop) to pay my respects.

We spent the rest of the day leisurely, and looked at more apartments with no progress as everyone was on holiday.

In the afternoon I watched Doctor Who Confidential. Well, it’s an addiction, what can I say.

In the evening we met up with Aaron again but this time not for pub crawl, but for drinks at a bar. It was right across the road from the hostel I stayed in last time I was in BA (America del Sur) and the bar itself was a nondescript red door which I had seen but hadn’t realised what was behind it. I wasn’t feeling particularly up for it given the recovery from the previous day, but they did convince me to drink a chilli bomb – a shot of vodka that had had two chillies sitting in it for three weeks, dropped into a glass of Red Bull. No one does that out of free will. Anyway it wasn’t too bad and we left relatively early, but not before I spoke briefly to the owner of the bar. After all he was playing Charlatans all evening, not something you expect in South America as all the music is either local pop latino music, or generic traveller rock music (pick from Green Day, Red Hot Chilli Peppers or Foo Fighters). He was actually from America but was very much into the indie music and British music scene, hence the choice of music.

This was apparently reflected in the clientele as he told me that Franz Ferdinand were in there a month ago, and the Magic Numbers were doing chilli shots last week. (I once bumped into the Magic Numbers at a corporate do at the Hammersmith Palais. I didn’t realise who they were at first and I thought they were a bunch of midget hippie-goths. None of them are over five foot six). I was in good company.

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