Saturday 29 May 2010


Friday 9 April
Buenos Aires

Again not much to remember from the day. We generally took it easy, you know?

There was one memorable thing that happened though. We were in some shop that also had telephone cabins and internet. There was a computer right by the door and there was an old, fat man using it. Bear in mind that the screen was positioned so that basically anyone in the shop could see it. As we were waiting for something I noticed he was looking at some site which basically had a whole bunch of men with their bits out and in various poses, sometimes with other men. I pointed it out to Ryan and then we both cracked up. Like with a car crash we didn’t want to look but somehow we kept looking back. It wasn’t pretty.

In the evening we met up with Lu and her friends again. It was a reggae bar. We had some food and went to a nightclub. Lu said it was full of cats. Cats (gattos) is slang for girls who are “up for it” as it were. Alain said he had his arse pinched four times, which would make sense. I danced. Lu said I was a good dancer, which was nice.

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